GForce Arms Huckleberry Issue, Its Status and a Workaround

2023-11-21 15:07:38

Hi everyone!

During the current game build installation, we've discovered that the GForce Arms Huckleberry crashes the game client if it has the Laser Sight equipped.


If you have the GForce Arms Huckleberry (regular, "Raven" or golden) equipped on your Medic class and the Laser Sight installed on the weapon, go to a PvP match search and change the class on the match loading screen. 

Do not use the Medic after that until we deliver a fix for the problem.

What's next?

We are now assembling a client-side patch with a fix. Once ready, it can be delivered within several days depending on how long it'll take the platforms to approve it.

The issue is a top priority, we are working on it right now and will keep you updated. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

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